Well here is a word “SLUT”, what does it mean,,
According to the Oxford English dictionary slut means, “ a slovenly, dirty woman, a slatter. A women of loose morals, A prostitute.
To many people in this society slut is a worthless piece of trash, a girl that has sexual encounters with anyone, one who dresses in low cut tops and short skirts, and who have no respect for themselves, well this is a what most of our modern day society would define a slut as, well do we not live in such a nice society people.
Not this woman, slut to her is a beautiful word, it is a complement, it is praise, pups is proud to be called a slut. To pups ‘slut’ means a strong confident, powerful woman, who has embraced her sexuality and holds very little inhibitions if any, puppy is true to her being.
What are these moral standards, well for one a girl who embraces her sexuality and is open and true is critised and degraded, while a man who does the same is put on a pedestal and worshipped, what is the difference, none….
Within the bdsm community unlike the vanilla world we as women can embrace our sexuality in ways that are frowned upon when we are growing up, we can be true to ourselves, explore are deepest kinkiest desires, we can drop the ‘façade’ of miss prim and proper or the sweet pure innncoent angel that some have labled us with, we can live.
Sarah gallick commented that there are three types of sluts, economic, lifestyle and the spiritual slut. The economic slut is one that prostitutes herself for money, valuable gifts, life advancement, or power over others. The lifestyle slut who openly fucks others for pleasure and as a form of socializing and then there is the spiritual slut who fucks others through compassion for them or through the desire to submerge herself in her sexuality.Of course, this typology is crude. All sluts (women, too) to one degree or another share some of the characteristics of these three types.
If you are a man, can you call a woman a slut without having thoughts of derision, disrespect, or denigration enter your mind whether or not you actually intended an insult?
If you are a woman, can you call yourself a slut without at the back of your mind feeling you have cheapened or insulted yourself in comparison with other women -- or your mother?
Perhaps a more significant test would be something like this. Could you image introducing yourself like this --
"Hi there! My name is sara. I'm a lifestyle slut and I enjoy casual fucking. I'd really like a good fuck sometime with you if you're interested. I do practice safe sex, though. OK?"
If you could feel comfortable doing this, then I would say you were cured of the cultural poison of fearing being called a slut, but I suspect that very few of us, even the "sexually-free" ones, actually can. I think this is indeed why women are relying on the crutch of spiritual sexuality. Really, it does not alter the reality of being a slut, but it might make it easier to be one. (New age quest)
Sluts should never be embaressed about flauting their slutness. How you dress, how you behave announces you are a slut and that you are been true to yourself. So wear those skin tight boob tubes, sheer tops, no panties and minis, who cares what others think or how they judge, the important thing is to feel free to love what you are and to love to show off yourself.
Exercise you sexual power consciously, enjoy the self confidence and thrill you get from being a slut. Flirt seduce and captivate people. Understand that your sluttiness affirms life and pleasure and always remember that all these social relations and experiences are truly valuable to you.
The Catholic church was built on sluts…
We love them from Mary Magdalene to Dorothy Day. The church has a long tradition of welcoming sluts, learning from their conversions and ultimately canonizing them.
Sluts can see themselves as sacred whores, who affirm life and pleasure. They can give and take -- they don't have to be used or users. They can be sex therapists and teach other people to be comfortable with their bodies and their sexuality. Sluts give other people a lot of pleasure, love and inspiration, and they should also be respected for that, not talked about like they are used, victimized, diseased, stupid, or hateful.
Be an example to others. Sluts have a very marginal status in this society. Their brave flaunting of tradition can be an example to other people who want to be different or who are already shut out of mainstream society. Sluts' proud ownership of their own bodies sets a good example to others who secretly desire to do something, but are afraid to do it.
Been a slut is to accept the dark path within you, understand that you are consciously choosing a path which many in this society refuse to respect or accept. Many think of you as corrupt, immoral or even wicked- in a sense you are all these things, you have choosen the dark path. However, by looking within yourself and accepting your descision you also understand that within you there is a heart, goodness, light and beauty. By accepting the power the dark path has over you does not mean that you are bad or an evil person, to this slut it means that you are a complex person with many needs and motivations. Therefore embrace this power, enjoy the power the dark path has within you for it gives you strength and vitality and illuminates your life as a slut.
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